Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Real Plasticity of the Text

The Reverend Doctor Jeffery Kloha has been pilloried for asserting the plasticity of the New Testament text.  I don’t agree in general with his paper that makes the argument and I don’t agree with how he reaches the following conclusion, … Continue reading

Posted in Ablaze, Contemporary Worship, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

A Little Yeast, a Little Hole, a Little Pregnant

What do yeast, holes, and pregnancy have in common?  There really is no such thing as a “little” of any of these, and if nothing is done they will only get bigger.  Sane people want the mother to grow bigger … Continue reading

Posted in Families, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

Where Have you Gone Joe DiMaggio?

So Simon and Garfunkel lamented in their 1968 song.  Having read the biography of the Yankee Clipper, Mickey Mantel, Ted Williams, and Stan Musial, history can have all of them save for Stan the Man.  My lament is for the … Continue reading

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