Category Archives: LCMS 2007 Convention

From Synod, to Corporation, to Bodily Function, to a Typo

               It starts with the synod not being a church. Congregational polity rules the day. Then the Synod incorporates and must function as one. Synodical president, District presidents, and even Circuit Counselors – oops now visitors – as officers of … Continue reading

Posted in Ablaze, LCMS 2007 Convention, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

Sunscreen and Hunting

A dermatologist told me I should start wearing sunscreen when hunting. I tried it on several hunts and hated it. Why? It’s a mixed message. The distinct odor of sunscreen is evocative of beaches and salt spray, not vegetation and … Continue reading

Posted in Contemporary Worship, Families, For Anyone who dares, LCMS 2007 Convention | Leave a comment

Trying not to be that Fish

                While saltwater fishing, If you see a feeding frenzy, you can be sure there are probably sizeable speck, reds, or other larger gamefish there. Underneath them, will be smaller fish feeding on the remains of the bait fish that … Continue reading

Posted in LCMS 2007 Convention, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

A Janus-faced Synod

There are words in English that mean two different things. For example, ‘bolt’ means both secure in place and to dart away. ‘Dust’ means to both remove material and spread material. ‘Trim’ means to both add and to take away. … Continue reading

Posted in LCMS 2007 Convention, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

Politics and Peeing on New Hay – Rerun

This is not deja vu. You might have read this in May of 2008; you could have read it in 1998. Think of this as my Carthago delenda est. I am republishing because both at the district and synodical level the political … Continue reading

Posted in For Anyone who dares, For Pastors Only, LCMS 2007 Convention, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

Dale Meyer Does George Bush

Who can forget the iconic landing of President George W. Bush on an aircraft carrier ablaze with a banner proclaiming MISSION ACCOMPLISHED? Who does not now know how utterly naïve or perhaps impolitic it was? The banner referred to the … Continue reading

Posted in Ablaze, Contemporary Worship, LCMS 2007 Convention, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

What Will We Try Next…

to win souls for Jesus?  I don’t know, but I’m willing to bet that whatever the Baptist, Presbyterians, on Non-denominationals do, we will soon follow.

Posted in Contemporary Worship, LCMS 2007 Convention | Leave a comment

Who Told You that You Were Naked?

That’s the second question the Lord asked of the newly fallen Adam.  The Lord came looking for His friend for their usual cool of the evening stroll in paradise, but Adam was hiding from Him.  When God asked why, Adam … Continue reading

Posted in LCMS 2007 Convention, Missouri Megatrends | 1 Comment

New Roman Missal Finally Out and LSB is Really

The following is from .  The Third Edition of the Roman Catholic Missal is finally out as of August 21, 2009, and look what they changed back to. 

Posted in Contemporary Worship, LCMS 2007 Convention | 2 Comments

The Pyramid has Crumbled

Surely “someone’ wanted it to happen this way.  Defenders of the LCMS polity use the analogy of a pyramid standing on its tip.  The congregations are the base; the Synod is the tip.  Well, that pyramid has crumbled.

Posted in LCMS 2007 Convention | 1 Comment