Category Archives: Contemporary Worship
Apparatchiks Я Us
I’ve been banging on Concordia Health Plan’s publication Better Health for years. To sum up my take from 2013 (“Better Health Poorer Christianity” 7-29-2013) and from 2009 (“Food for Thought” 11-09-2009), I would subtitle Better Health with :Poorer Theology.
GodConnect Videos – Connecting With the Video Generation
I grew up when the marks of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod were the “L’s”. Lutheran Layman’s League, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, and Aid Association for Lutherans. You saw these “L’s” and you knew you were home where, to steal … Continue reading
Pete Seeger was right
If you’re going to listen to Pete Seeger’s antiwar anthem, written in 1955 but made popular in the 60’s, listen to the Kingston Trio’s 1962 version. says, “Pete Seeger wrote this song as a call for peace.
It’s Baack!
It’s baack, and you’d sooner have a poltergeist than this spirit. I’ve predicted for over 20 years that the Charismatic Movement that disrupted Christendom from circa 1965 – 1980 would be back. It was driven to the Side-Show Bob of … Continue reading
PFocus – Visit to Pflugerville Community Church
I struggle to write concise blogs of my visits to other churches. Pflugerville Community Church is just like the dozen other Contemporary Worship churches I have visited. The leaders all, including the LCMS and WELS churches, address the congregation as … Continue reading
Let’s Stop Putting a Question Mark over Baptismal Regeneration
For centuries, the practice among Lutherans has been to ask the sponsors on behalf of the infant to be baptized to confess the faith and renounce the devil for him. Once ordained in 1983, I used the liturgy as then … Continue reading
That Don’t Impress Me Much
Crosspoint Church, Georgetown, Texas is my third outing to a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod church. At the following link you can view the one I attended on 23 April 2023: . But if you want to know where the … Continue reading
Nothing is Everything – Visit to Grace Covenant, Austin, Texas
“Nothing is everything” might ring a bell from the Skyrizi commercial. It’s a prescription drug to treat moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.[1] Drug-naming, really branding is more accurate, is a multimillion-dollar industry especially since the advent of “ask your doctor … Continue reading
The Brother’s Grimm Couldn’t do Better
In the Brother’s Grimm oft told tale, The wolf knows he’s a wolf; Red Riding Hood knows he’s a wolf, and grandma does too, but the latter two are swallowed whole by the first in no time. And if you … Continue reading
A Statement of 46 Years Ago
The “Statement of the 44” made in 1945 was one of the sharpest turns the Good Ship LCMS ever made. Actually, the turn was made when they were allowed to withdraw it with no consequence, no repentance. It was a … Continue reading