Category Archives: For Anyone who dares

On Being Sane In Insane Places

All you need to know to be induced to read this lengthy 1973 article is this: “Eight sane people gained secret admission to 12 different hospitals.  Their diagnostic experiences constitute the data of the first part of this article; the remainder … Continue reading

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Is it Not Kicking the Dog or is it Rising Above Them?

This blog was written years ago just after the Covid dust began to settle. Now, 2024, I’m reading King Cholera, a 1966 “biography” of the disease that consumed England beginning in the early 1830s and lasted to the 1860s. O … Continue reading

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How’s This for Cold?

In the bygone years of pre-internet, you only knew something if you read it or someone in authority told you it. I knew the expression “cold as a witch’s tit” and “cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass … Continue reading

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“Have You Ever Helped Split a Church?”

That’s the first line of Joel Belz’s op-ed piece in the July 17, 2021, WORLD Magazine (“Menders or splitters?”, 8). You might not have before, but it’s highly likely you’re about to. And it will be over the equivalent of … Continue reading

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Rick Perry Leads the Way into the Brave New World

This blog is a follow up to the September 9, 2019 blog “Let’s Get Chemical” and it carries the warnings and advisories of the June 29, 2021 blog “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. So you might want to read these before … Continue reading

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Dialog between Pauline and a Pastor

Christian News published this in late 2022.  It’s 21 pages long. This really is only for those who dare, but for those who do I think there is insight into those who came of age with the smartphone a given.

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More on Porn

Danger – Close (I titled this so, so I could remember what the draft was about. I am not for shortening sins. Porn for pornography is like living together for adultery, or sleeping together for fornicating. There is wisdom in … Continue reading

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From Fox News – Thousands of churches raise alarm about scope of new Canadian ‘conversion therapy’ ban

            This was the title of an email recently sent to me. It was based on a Fox News headline of January 16, 2022 which said in part, “An initiative begun by Liberty Coalition Canada and promulgated in the United … Continue reading

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The Truth About Grief – And Why It Won’t Matter

The Truth About Grief came on my radar in 2012. The book is an exposé of the myth perpetuated in the name of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. I first heard about it, I think, on NPR. It is well-researched and well-reasoned, and will … Continue reading

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An Open Letter to Helen Andrews

This is another letter from the trashcan. This was about an article on pornography where the author placed blame squarely on Baby Boomers. I disagreed.

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