Below for you listening pleasure or discomfiture are the VBS songs the Missouri Synod’s publishing house is offering for it’s 2019 program: Miraculous Mission – Jesus Saves the World. CPH’s website devoted to this says: “A Concordia Publishing House (CPH) we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people” ( Apparently what it does need is cute, shallow, memorable ditties. Be sure to listen to the last too offerings. They are “From all that Dwell Below the Skies” and “Jesus Shall Wher’er the Sun” to know what you will be singing in the LCMS circa mid-21st century. In the words of Melanie: “Ils ont chang? ma chanson Ma.” Their web page touts them as having “VBS with purpose.” I quail at what that purpose it.
Trivializing the Miraculous Mission
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