Monthly Archives: August 2014
Much Ado about Something
I referenced in an earlier blog post Dr. Dale Meyer’s article “Pedagogy for a Politicized Church” in the Winter 2014 Concordia Journal, pp. 6-13. He references there a report to the 2010 convention that said the task force involved repeatedly … Continue reading
How Crazy is That?
Seth McFarland of “Family Guy” fame, or infamy to some, either portrayed in an episode or said in a presentation, monologue, or routine something along these lines: A bunch of people sit in front of one guy while he yells … Continue reading
A Brief Statement about the Brief Statement
Had not the Brief Statement been adopted by the LCMS in 1932 there would not have been the Statement of the Forty-Four in 1945. Yet though confessionals bang the Brief Statement gong loudly and even LCMS, Inc. will appeal to … Continue reading
Everyone a Missionary
We tried “everyone a minister” then it was “everyone an evangelist” now it’s “everyone a missionary.” Sheesh, soon they’ll be no one in the pews to receive the gifts. Soon there’ll be no mothers and fathers raising kids. Soon will … Continue reading