Monthly Archives: September 2014

Closed versus Close

I recently listened to an excellent presentation by a brother in the ministry on this topic.  He gave it to his circuit.  He went over the history of these two words and how they jumped from the Baptist to the … Continue reading

Posted in For Pastors Only, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

You Could Learn a Lot from a Dummy

This post takes its title from the 1980s’ U.S. Department of Transportation ad campaign to get people to wear seatbelts.  They showed you a crash using test dummies and then this tag line.  In the 1990s Big Brother gave up … Continue reading

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Flotsam and Jastram

Yes, I know it’s flotsam and jetsam which properly speaking is “wreckage of a ship or its cargo floating on the water or washed ashore.”  It also means “worthless or miscellaneous things.”  I’m thinking of the later definition. 

Posted in Families, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

The Big Purple Dinosaur Promise

I was sent the following by a brother pastor. It was used at the Call service at St. Louis. He thinks it was driven by the candidates not the faculty. If so they’re probably not ready for their first Calls.

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It’s the Opposite of the Wizard of Oz

The ears of the people are often holier than the lips of the priests said either St. Hilary or St. Bernadine or both, but just as often are their lips smarter. It started with an incomplete digression of mine concerning … Continue reading

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