Monthly Archives: July 2014
Scratch a Fund Raiser and You’ll Smell a Pietist
That’s probably too strident, stringent, harsh even. But you Waltherians can blame Walther for getting me to think along such clamorous lines. He says in Law and Gospel that there are only two groups that humanity can be separated into … Continue reading
Posted in For Anyone who dares
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Well at Least We’re not Debating Whether or not Jesus was/is Divine
Dr. Dale Meyer, current president of Concordia Seminary, relates that one of Dr. Dean Wenthe’s favorite stories was of a cab ride he shared with the president of another denomination’s seminary. Wenthe asked what the hottest debate was on his … Continue reading
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Is there an Imperative to Grow?
The sainted Reverend Father Rudolph Kurz once wrote a paper saying that there is no command in Scripture for the church to grow in numbers.