Monthly Archives: September 2010
Drs. Laura and Meyer
Have you been party to the recent brouhaha over Dr. Laura’s repeated use of the “n” word during a broadcast? She was trying to show a caller that it really was just another word. She came out looking like a … Continue reading
You’ve Got to be kidding!
This falls under the topic: You’ve got to be kidding me! This information is taken from Acts Church Lakeway, Texas and is current as of August 2010. Acts Church is a mission of the Texas District of the LCMS. Here … Continue reading
You Can Have the Church of My Grandfather
Till the end President Gerald Kieshnick was pilloried for his 2001 comment that the LCMS was no longer your grandfather’s church. He defended or perhaps clarified it in his 2010 report to the Synodical convention. President-elect Harrison and the Association … Continue reading
And another thing…..
I’ve told most everyone I’ve ever married if in an argument with your spouse you find that you’ve begun a sentence with, “And another thing,” don’t finish it. It will always end badly. This may be a good time to … Continue reading