Monthly Archives: August 2010
More Views from the Outside
As promised, here is some information about another one of President-elect Harrison’s appointment. He has returned to the well of Lutheran World Relief to tap the Reverend Doctor Albert Collver as one of his three executive assistants. To be fair … Continue reading
My View from the Outside
A brother directed me to this endorsement of Rev. Matt Harrison after I had noted that one of Rev. Harrison’s first acts was to appoint a woman as one of his assistants.That woman was Barbara Below. Here is her endorsement … Continue reading
When 1% is 100%
No math wizard I. No math would be more accurate, but riddle me this. When is 1% a 100%? When it matters the most.
The Necessity of Refuting the Gainsayer
Though I’ve always been suspicious of this analogy, I’ve used it. Bank tellers aren’t taught to recognize counterfeit money by handling hundreds of examples of funny money but by handling true money. Therefore, we shouldn’t spend a lot of time … Continue reading