Monthly Archives: February 2008

On the Reading of Small Books

Solomon warns, “Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecc. 12:12). Having just finished two small books worth reading but less wearying, brought to mind other small books I have … Continue reading

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The Sin Nobody Talks About

Having recently published a letter, I didn’t think The Lutheran Witness would, I decided to publish this article Higher Things wouldn’t.  To be fair, it’s not that they didn’t think it worthwhile.  They just thought it too risky, perhaps risque.  You decide … Continue reading

Posted in Families, For Anyone who dares | Leave a comment

Falling Flat on Your Face

  Nobody likes to fall flat on their face. It means embarrassment, humiliation, and defeat. I doubt there’s a pastor alive who has not had that dream where he fell flat on his face while giving a sermon: his notes … Continue reading

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The Little Lutheran Church that Wasn’t

  The following is a letter I sent to The Lutheran Witness in reference to an article in their February 2008 edition.  I don’t think it will see the light of day, so I thought I would give it some … Continue reading

Posted in Ablaze, For Anyone who dares | Leave a comment

Lutheran Education

  Our Large Catechism addresses the education of our children under the Fourth Commandment: “For all authority flows and is propagated from the authority of parents. For where a father is unable alone to educate his child, he employs a … Continue reading

Posted in Families, For Anyone who dares | 1 Comment

“Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign”…So Where’s the Real Thing?

The movie Stand By Me opens with a man (Richard Dreyfus) sitting in his car wondering if anyone has friends like they did when they were 12?  At 12 and through my teen years I had a friend named Eric.  … Continue reading

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