Category Archives: For Anyone who dares

Understanding Depression Through Love Sickness

               This is my third post on things psychological that I advise you not to read. This is not mainstream thinking. If that’s where you are, you will consider me nuts. Remember I claim no expertise in this field. I … Continue reading

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Pope was Right

No, not the Pope but Alexander Pope, the turn of the 18th century English poet who some consider better than the Bard. He told us how we would come to embrace LGBTQ. And boy have we.

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I had to look this word up when I first read it. Uxoriousness means to be “excessively fond of or submissive to a wife”. It’s from the Latin for wife uxor ( ). In his 1999 book The Church Impotent, … Continue reading

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The Fat Lady Hasn’t Sung

               Who knew that this saying is no older than 1976 and comes from Texas Tech sport’s information director, Ralph Carpenter, when the Aggies tied the Red Raiders in the conference finals? The actual quote is: “The opera ain’t over … Continue reading

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Of Popular Music and Unpopular Crime

I’m breaking my 10-year rule. This blog is not quite 9-years-old, so I’m repeating myself rather than citing. In a discussion over the recent shooting, I was reminded that I wrote something after Sandy Hook. Actually, I wrote right after … Continue reading

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Living in Fear of Dr. Seuss

            The other day my gastroenterologist called me up and asked me how my stomach was doing. About two weeks ago my GP called to check on me. The week before that I heard from my chiropractor and dentist. Can … Continue reading

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Dataism, Reductionism, and Edellism

The first two are real. The third is a term coined by me, but it means the same as the first two. My research assistant, Dr. Richard Strickert, Ph.D., showed me this. I brought up Dataism in Bible Class; he … Continue reading

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Okay Boomer

I always wanted to write something like “The Sunscreen Song” (1999) or better still Gordon Sinclair’s 1973 “The Americans.” However, I would be greeted with the platitudinous insult, “Okay Boomer.” Okay, then, I’ll let someone else do it.

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The Emperor’s New Clothes

You know the aforementioned  story. Here is the first salvo from me about the “new clothes” of psychotropic medicines and the profession behind them. I don’t think many pastors have read Prozac Nation, House of Cards, The Antidepressant Era, or … Continue reading

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If Video Killed the Radio Star, What has the Internet Killed?

               The song “Video Killed the Radio Star” was the first video to be played on MTV when the network was launched August 1, 1981. And some pundits and prophets trace all sorts of developments or devolutions from this event. … Continue reading

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