Category Archives: Contemporary Worship

It’s the 1980s Calling….

Visiting Our Savior Lutheran Church, Austin, is like stepping back into 1980’s Missouri Synod. Before the liturgy, vestments, and creeds were completely thrown out. When contemporary music was starting to filter in;  when the emphasis was on giving and evangelizing; … Continue reading

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Mixed Messages – Visit to Holy Cross Lutheran Church (LCMS), College Station, Texas

Paul’s warnings about trumpets giving uncertain sounds (I Cor. 14:9), go unheeded by the modern church. Entering Holy Cross, College Station, Texas new sanctuary in April 2022, my sensory impressions were all sound stage not church. They have paid little … Continue reading

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Carrie Underwood Does Church Better: Visit to another Non-denom

All the markings are there: the Untuckit shirt, the ironed jeans, save for no high-dollar, colored tennis shoes. He wore boots. Fitting for Bryan, Texas. But of all the churches out there who fly the colors of not being sure … Continue reading

Posted in Ablaze, Contemporary Worship, Missouri Megatrends | Leave a comment

Visit to Divine Savior Church, Liberty Hill, Texas – Field of Dreams

This is a ‘mission’ start of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). You wouldn’t know this except for it saying so on the front cover the bulletin, in tiny print, but more prominently on their web page . I … Continue reading

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Advent – Misty Blue?

Advent as a season of preparation for the Nativity originated in France. Its observance was general by the time of the Second Council of Tours, 567. In some places six or seven Sundays were included. When Rome adopted Advent, she … Continue reading

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Grace Bible Church – Seeking Soft Hearts with Wrong Theology

               I attended a bilingual service of Grace Bible Church, Bryan, Texas on 1-2-2022. In summary, the contemporary songs, though repetitious ad nauseum, were far better theology than what was preached. Unlike other non-denom churches, these folks did actually sing. … Continue reading

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Effeminacy and the Liturgy – Part II

This was first posted here on July 27, 2009, but I’m doing more than emphasizing. I’ve added more thoughts and documentation.

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Brazos Fellowship – Having Church and Doing Worship

               Like all the Evangelical churches I have attended, it began with a 7-piece band doing a 3-song set. And the entire service could be summarized in the LCMS’ 1990’s giving campaign: His Love, Our Response. Evangelicalism to some degree … Continue reading

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Visit to Our Savior Lutheran, Austin, Texas – Theology in a Time of Pandemic

Right off the bat let me say that I heard the Vicarious Atonement, Universal Atonement, and the Bible is the Word of God mentioned. The Nicene Creed was confessed and the Lord’s Prayer prayed. So, an unbeliever could have entered … Continue reading

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Defection by Television

Forty Autumns, the story of East Germany and Germans inside and out of that dystopian regime is worth the read. It illustrates why the most effective way of undermining an Iron Curtain is not an effective way for spreading the … Continue reading

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