Fruit Dragging the Ground

If you don’t know what to say about this 2002 Editorial Cartoon, you don’t understand the bizarre nature of the Pro-Death movement. If you aren’t moved to write a Letter to the Editor in response, you might not be as Pro-Life as you think.

Let’s rehearse the issues. I did write a Letter in response to this cartoon pointing out that the reductio ad absurdum of their own argument when they accused Anti-Abortion Extremists of espousing the killing of innocent people when they actually do kill innocent children. The Austin-American Statesman did publish it as I wrote it. (I can’t find the actual letter. I had cut it out, but it is lost in the retiring.) I asked my Bible Class, “Why didn’t an official from the LCMS, the District President, Vice-President, or Circuit Counselor write a letter?” I got my answer in 2003 at the Yankee Stadium Prayer Service kiss-and-make up conference of the Texas District.

There when Rev. Bryan Sullivan asked the conference chaplain for a prayer concerning the 30th anniversary of Roe V Wade, the Rev. Dr. Clyde Duder said, “Let’s have a moment of silence for each of us to pray for the 30th anniversary of Roe v Wade in our own way.”

Then in my 2010 blog ”Pro-Adultery Yet Christian?” ( I called to account Concordia University, Austin for awarding then State Senator Kirk Watson for being an outstanding Christian leader. This was the man the National Abortion Rights Action League rated 100% Pro-Choice. To their credit, alumni of that Concordia formed a Pro-Life organization. But the school made them drop any reference, logo, or name association with Concordia Austin. (You just think their big sin is trying to disassociate from the Missouri Synod. Nope, doing so from the Word of God is bigger still.)

To be fair: not in North Zulch, Detroit, or New Orleans did I ever read a Pro-Life response to a Pro-Death article or op-ed from anyone but a layman. How do those called and ordained to speak the truth, the full counsel of God, not fall under the censure of Proverbs 31:8-9 (NASB77): “Open your mouth for the dumb, For the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.” St. Kurt Marquart regularly citied this passage when he bound our consciences to speak up for the lives of the unborn. Remember this was when Roe V Wade was only 6 years old.

There will always be abortions. Men, not women, will make sure of that. Seeking to end the legalization of it is recalling America to the noble Romans and away from the child-sacrificing Carthaginians. No Pro-Life person believes abortion will end, but we do believe it should be spoken against always but especially when the issue is dragging the ground right in front of you.

By the by, do you think there is any connection between Pv. 31:8-9 and the praising of the wife of noble character that concludes the chapter and the Book of Proverbs? I do. He won’t speak of up for the rights of the destitute and/or defend the rights of the poor and needy, won’t do much praising of his wife, the Weaker Vessel either.


About Paul Harris

Pastor Harris retired from congregational ministry after 40 years in office on 31 December 2023. He is now devoting himself to being a husband, father, and grandfather. He still thinks cenobitic monasticism is overrated and cave dwelling under.
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