Monthly Archives: February 2014
Fiel pero desdichado
That’s the Churchill family motto since 1661. It’s not Latin but Spanish, and nobody knows why. It expresses how I have frequently thought about my relationship to the LCMS.
Posted in For Pastors Only, Missouri Megatrends
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That’s what the pen had printed on it – Trinity Lutherean Church. I know this is a typo, but it seems to me that it describes what many Lutheran churches have become.
Hating Hate Laws
“Don’t be a hater” is a popular expression among those current in pop culture’s lingua franca.
Posted in General
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Hold the Line or Dance their Tune
It’s well-known that in a battle one running man or one charging man can turn the tide of battle. Macarthur’s’ father won the Medal of Honor for picking up the fallen standard of his Civil War unit and continuing the … Continue reading