Monthly Archives: August 2013
The Picture and the Thousand Words
You know from the title what this is about. Pictures can speak volumes and at a volume that make them harder to ignore than words. I wish could reproduce for you the picture that was in a flyer that came … Continue reading
Does Our Theology Have a Future?
Dr. John Nunes has an article in the Summer 2013 Concordia Journal entitled “Does Contributive Justine Have a Future” (pp. 208-216). After reading it, I wonder; does theology have a future among us?
Guilt Real and Imagined
Any pastor knows that one of the hardest things to deal with is guilt. Real guilt can be the couch wetting, bone wasting kind of Psalms 6 and 32. Imagined guilt is hard to cleanse even with the very real … Continue reading
Is or Isn’t it Enough?
Thirty years ago a Texas District official said in the District newsletter that some Ivory Tower theologians believe all that you have to do is preach the Gospel purely and administer the sacraments rightly and the church will grow. He … Continue reading