Monthly Archives: July 2009

Effeminacy and the Liturgy

  Reading The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I discovered I might not know the real meaning of effeminacy.  It doesn’t mean weak or even sissified to the author of that work. 

Posted in Contemporary Worship, For Anyone who dares | 1 Comment

Google This

  The following is part of an interview NPR aired on July 7, 2009 between “Marketplace’s” Kai Ryssdal and Google Chairman of the Board and CEO Eric Schmidt, and it should scare the tar out of us all.

Posted in General | 2 Comments

Keeping up With the Jones’

  Contemporary worship didn’t come out of thin air.  I think it genesis can be laid at the door of Vatican II which started from the principle of what is relevant to men not what is worshipful to God.  Of … Continue reading

Posted in Contemporary Worship | 1 Comment


  Most confessional Lutherans know WWJD ought to be replaced by WDJD, i.e. “What Did Jesus Do?” should be asked instead of “What Would Jesus Do?”  Not nearly enough of us know what JDDJ stands for. 

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