Monthly Archives: February 2009
You are a Father!
I cannot call you “Father,” “And be ye not called masters,” Because I’m C. of E., The text announces too; With such un-English customs So, do not call me “Mister,” I strongly disagree. Which also … Continue reading
The Myth of Sexual Moral Neutrality
There it is on a list of 60 or so clubs at my daughters’ high school. Amid the Chess Club, Karate Club, Astronomy Club, Powerlifting Club, and Robot Club is the Gay and Straight Alliance Club. With straight faces we … Continue reading
Have the flames been fanned or has Ablaze hit the fan?
This is from the official annual report on the Fan into Flames funds found at Resolution 1-09 adopted at the 2007 Synod convention required “a detailed annual report…to be published throughout the Synod.” The report is only 6 pages … Continue reading
Just in Time for Valentine’s Day
A member showed me an AT&T ad from Sunday’s paper. At the top of the page in block letters in the question: “How do I love thee?” He has written to the side, “Even AT&T understands what editors of modern … Continue reading