Monthly Archives: April 2008
“Flies on Jesus”
Saul Bellow in his novel Herzog quotes what he says is an old song, “There are flies on me; there’s flies on you, but there ain’t no flies on Jesus.” O yes, there were
This Jeremiah Wasn’t a Bullfrog but a Friend
“Jeremiah was a bullfrog. He was a good friend of mine,” so sang “Three Dog Night.” Well Rev. Jeremiah Wright isn’t a bullfrog, but he was a good friend of Senator Baraak Obamba. Keep reading; this isn’t a political screed … Continue reading
You Can Learn a lot from women, so Don’t Sacrifice them
There are shows aimed at men and shows at women. While, as far as I know, no one has thought of a derisive term for movies aimed at men such as “Male Movie” or “Testosterone Tape,” we do have the … Continue reading
You’re Just a Kid!
“You’re just a kid!” O how age can be made an accusation.
Other Issues from Issues Etc.
Several people have sent the following response of Mollie Ziegler Hemingway to President Kieschnick’s “letter to the editor.” Here is my reaction.
David Danced Why Can’t I?
In the March 8/15 issue of World magazine, Marvin Olasky references 2 Samuel 6:16 to bring up short those of us defending liturgical worship. He quotes the passage: ” ‘As the ark of the Lord came into the city of … Continue reading