Monthly Archives: October 2015

Visit to a Pentecostal Church (and all Contemporary Ones?)

A mentor in the ministry told me that on vacation he attended the services of other denominations just to be sure that what he said they taught they still did. Well this Pentecostal church didn’t teach classical Pentecostalism but what … Continue reading

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They Would See Me, Not

It’s a delightful text where the Greeks come, without bearing gifts I might add, saying, “We would see Jesus.”  Every pastor ought to know that some pulpits have a plaque or an engraving that only the pastor can see quoting … Continue reading

Posted in For Pastors Only | Leave a comment

Don’t Bother Me with the Facts; I want Fads

Everyone knows the joke about the person who does not want to be “bothered” with the facts. A January 20, 2014 Time magazine article is startling in its honesty that people aren’t interested in facts but fads….This from a magazine … Continue reading

Posted in Families, For Anyone who dares | Leave a comment