Monthly Archives: June 2015
The Road to Perdition is Paved by Antichrists
I feel sorry for the LGBT community – if “community” is what a group of people who prey on each other sexually can be called. Right up till June 26, though we celebrated them in song and on screen, though … Continue reading
Lutheran Hour Ministries Wants to Connect You with Their Lutheranism
Lutheran Hour Ministries has developed an adult instruction course to connect you to their vision of Christianity. The course is titled “God Connects – A Course in Christianity.” It’s a 12 part course, and it is better than the 4 … Continue reading
A Letter NOT from the Trash Can
Not all my letters end up in trash cans. I ran across this one from 1999 which Logia did publish.
The Body for the Body
I haven’t been satisfied with how liturgical worship has been defended, and I think its detractors, rather successfully, have been using Colossians 2: 16 to paint it with the same brush Paul used to paint Old Testament ceremonies.
More Computing Power than it took to get to the Moon
How many times have you heard that a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, and now I suppose a smartphone has more computing power than they had to get to the moon? I don’t know about that one way or the other. I do … Continue reading