Monthly Archives: December 2012
Beyond Race
In 1989 tennis player Michael Chang won the French Open. The crowd cheered the Chinese-American player until….
Getting Your Head Around It
I’m not sure we ought to be able to get our head around a person killing others at random and then killing himself. Mad dogs are mad. Fallen humans are fallen and there is no bottom to which they can … Continue reading
Philosophies Men live By but Don’t Realize It
Surely it can’t be coincidence or accident that in God’s so-called silent years when He only spoke by the written Word and the visible Word of Old Testament Sacraments that the great philosophers did their speaking? Between the Word of … Continue reading
Walther’s Woodshed
I was going to take other’s to C.F.W. Walther’s woodshed, but I found myself being hauled in there too. Well if we’re going to get disciplined by the first president of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod let’s remember the … Continue reading