Monthly Archives: January 2011
Antichrist – a Teaching to be Ignored
“Luther’s judgment of the papacy as Antichrist is no longer accurate with respect to the modern papacy. But at that time it did apply, insofar as the papacy was destroying God’s order in the world because of a false understanding … Continue reading
What’s Worse than a False Dichotomy?
What’s worse than a false dichotomy? The failure to recognize a true dichotomy. President Harrison’s latest discovered truth is in his words garnered from “studying and paging through my Greek New Testament” yet, strangely enough, it is quoted from Kittel’s … Continue reading
Stamping on C-4
C-4 is a plastic explosive I was trained to use. You could take a piece of this white doughy substance and safely heat your C-Rations. But if you tried to put that fire out by stamping on it, the resulting … Continue reading