Monthly Archives: March 2010
Pro-Adultery Yet Christian?
Of course you can’t be pro-adultery and still be accepted as a Christian, but you can be Pro-Choice, i.e. for the killing of babies in the womb, and be accepted as a Christian. In fact Concordia University Texas believes you … Continue reading
No Novatian or Donatist She
Sorry you’ll have to Google this if you want to readily know what I’m talking about. You could cheat and use the source everyone disses yet uses . Shakespeare’s play “Measure for Measure” also treats this ancient tension. I … Continue reading
It’s a matter of Stupidity
In the first hearings addressing the repealing of “Don’t ask; Don’t tell,” Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said it was a matter of integrity to let gays and lesbians openly serve in the military. … Continue reading