Monthly Archives: December 2008

Quibbling is better than not Knowing

This is off-color, but there is often pointed truth in ribald humor.

Posted in For Anyone who dares, LCMS 2007 Convention | 1 Comment

It’s Long Past Time

Rev. Matthew Harrison of LCMS World Relief has published a paper titled “It’s Time” and subtitled “LCMS Unity and Mission.”  It is but the latest plan to get together by talking.  Issuing yet another call to talk is not how … Continue reading

Posted in LCMS 2007 Convention | 1 Comment

Not Very Comforting

   In Army Airborne School in 1976, the instructors would say as you walked out to the plane for your first jump, “The jump isn’t that bad; it’s just that last 2 inches you got to watch out for.”  I … Continue reading

Posted in For Pastors Only | 1 Comment

Pope Pardons John Lennon

I wanted to title this “John Lennon’s Theology Better than Pope’s,” but I thought better of it. 

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