Monthly Archives: September 2008

The Papacy with Lots of Beane

No real Texan believes that chili is chili if it has beans.  I am no Texan, so I don’t know about chili, but I do know about the papacy and no matter how much Beane is added to it, it’s … Continue reading

Posted in For Anyone who dares, For Pastors Only | 2 Comments

“Eve of Destruction”

If you’re listening to the financiers, bankers, and politicians, we’re teetering on the brink.  They’re saying what Barry McGuire sang in his inimitable voice: it’s the “Eve of Destruction.”  Barry wanted everyone twisted in knots over war, racism, and nuclear … Continue reading

Posted in Families | Leave a comment

Chasing Two Rabbits or Only Seeing One

Having “slandered” old African proverbs in another post, I thought I’d move on in the spirit of the recent Olympic Games to praise new Chinese fortune cookies.

Posted in Ablaze | Leave a comment

Female Elders

You’ll recall that the 2004 Convention said that woman can be elders as long as it doesn’t involve them in the function or accountability of the pastoral office. As of 31 July 2008 three of the nine elders at Trinity, … Continue reading

Posted in Families, LCMS 2007 Convention | 2 Comments

The Well of Holiness

G.K. Chesterton said, “Men may or may not expect an act of healing to take place at a holy well, but nobody expects it ten miles from the well”  (“The New Jerusalem,” Collected Works, Volume XX, p. 308).  Nobody except … Continue reading

Posted in For Anyone who dares | 1 Comment